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Our all inclusive flat rate price is very competitive and makes the idea of having your Documents,  wIde format plans & drawings, Photographs, Minute Books, Account Payable invoices and other material now possible.


  • We can supply archive boxes and help you pack the documents for scanning.

  • You set the pace, a few boxes at a time or all at once.

  • We work according to your timelines.

  • Have immediate access to your most important documents

  • Secure your Documents and be compliant.

  • Digitize your accounts payable invoices

  • Digitize your books, minute books for amazon or the cloud.

  • Bound material is undamaged when scanned.




Do you own the rights to a book but don't have the electronic file to upload to Amazon?  Contact Data Binder and we will scan your book to searchable pdf, convert it to a word doc and upload those files to drop box for you to download and edit.

PDF files can be indexed, have bookmarks added and be optimised for publishing.

Flat price per page.

The more pages you have the lower the price per page.


Bring your old photo albums into the Digital age.  Have your Photos uploaded to your Social media site or share with family across the world.

Scanned to JPEG or TIFF at 600 dpi or more in full vibrant colour.




Document Scanning at a flat price per page.


The price includes, pickup, Document preparation (staple and paperclip removal, Scanning, uploading to drop box or copying to USB, return or destruction of Documents.


Scanned to Searchable pdf.


We work to your timelines, a few boxes or Binders at a time or a large lot.


Immediate access to your most important documents.


FREE pickup and return in Melbourne or shredding can be arranged.


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